aerial view of city buildings during daytime

Association Award Winners!

Dallas Bailie Memorial Award 

Bonnie Lee
State Compensation Insurance Fund

Dallas Bailie Memorial Award 

The Dallas Bailie Memorial Award is  presented annually at the Holiday Charity Gala  to an individual, company or group that most exemplifies Dallas’s spirit by volunteering in their community and professionally.

EBIIAA is committed to the communities in which we work and live.

As an Association we support a number of non profit organizations through volunteerism and philanthropy. As individuals many insurance professionals make a difference by contributing their time, energy and talents to the causes they hold dear.

The East Bay Independent Insurance Agents Association is proud to recognize their outstanding work through the Dallas Bailie Award.


Bonnie Ottino
Education Memorial Award 
Stephen Oldfather
Diablo Valley Insurance

woman in black shirt sitting on chair

Bonnie Ottino
Education Memorial Award

The East Bay Independent Insurance Agents Association (EBIIAA) / Independent Insurance Agents of Contra Costa County (IIAACCC) established this scholarship award in an effort to perpetuate the memory of Bonnie Ottino. Bonnie worked for IIABC, the precursor of IBA West and is now IIABCAL. For 30+ years, serving as Executive Director until her retirement in 1984. She then filled that same position for the Independent Insurance Agents of Contra Costa County (IIAACCC) until 1994. During her long and varied insurance career, Bonnie was a staunch advocate of professional women in the insurance industry. She led by example, providing a model of hard work and the highest standards of professionalism. Bonnie passed away in 1995


Insurance Professional of the Year

2016 Recipient
JayMarie Garcia 

2015 Recipient
Tamera (Katz) Adams
Safeco Insurance